Gramon Bago Uruguay
Gramon Bago Uruguay



Compliance with Law

In Gramón Bagó we comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations, legal, contractual or internal. All members of the company and outsourced companies respect all the rules that regulate our work and community.

Accounting and Records Management

All records and accounts of Gramón Bagó fully and accurately reflect the reality of the transactions, observing all the accepted and stated accounting practices.

Any information (accounting, commercial , personal or productive) cannot be used or altered in order to distort the financial statements of the company.

Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy

We build relationships based on trust and transparency.

Any member of the company or of any outsourced one can make a promise to pay, make payment or provide goods or any benefit acting on behalf of Gramón Bagó, in order to improperly influence the decision of a third party, whether regulatory bodies, government authorities or commercial enterprises.

Nor they may receive a payment, goods or benefit that could impair their judgment independence and/or pursuit of profit of Gramón Bagó.


Employees must maintain the confidentiality of private information that Gramón Bagó, customers or suppliers have revealed to them.

It is not allowed dissemination, reproduction, deletion or delivery of information by any means and to any person, including other employees that are not the authorized recipients according to their tasks.
This policy includes employees that had left the company.

Personal Data Privacy

In Gramón Bagó we respect the fundamental right of personal data protection in compliance with the current regulations about that. The privacy policy we apply is detailed in the enclosed file.

Work Relationships

Gramón Bagó encourages communication and mutual respect among its workers in different areas of participation, in order to establish and maintain positive individual and collective relationships.

In this sense, it supports freedom of association and guarantees the right to collective bargaining. The company expects the parties to make their best efforts to bring a fair and constructive dialogue, overcome difficulties that may arise, and to achieve and implement sustainable agreements.


In Gramón Bagó we do not allow any form of discrimination.

Our people and those who work with us are evaluated based on their competence to do their job, regardless of ethnicity, gender, age, religion, disability, marital status, political orientation and religious beliefs.

Positive and Harassment-Free Work Environment

We are committed to building a work environment based on respect and integrity.

We take all measures to prevent, restrain and punish any harassing behavior of any kind.

Our company provides support and discretion for people who report abusive and/or offensive actions . In addition, we are committed to seek for corrective action when facts are confirmed.

Intelectual Property

In Gramón Bagó we promote and respect intellectual property rights.

In order to apply the effective implementation of the rules governing intellectual property and to protect this right in our country, we work in constant coordination with advisers on the matter.

Care for the Environment

Our company understands the importance of protecting the environment and the respect for the environment is considered essential.

We are committed to the protection of natural resources, encouraging our people behaviours aimed at preserving natural resources, working on the implementation of actions aimed at preventing pollution, seeking alternatives to minimize environmental impacts, developing action plans for emergencies potentially harmful to the environment, applying waste management programmes prioritizing recycling, evaluating from the start of any project the environmental impacts it could generate, adhering to reverse logistics drug programmes.

Occupational Health and Security Policy

Providing a safe and healthy work environment is a priority for us. In order to fulfill this objective, we strongly focus on the prevention of accidents and on occupational diseases, carrying out information, awareness and prevention activities in workplaces, as well as through training activities in general.

Our commitments to people's well-being:

  • We promote health care and the protection of people in all the processes that are carried out.
  • All employees are involved in the continuous improvement of health and safety performance.
  • We train, inform and make all employees aware of the best health and security practices.
  • One of our aims is to prevent risk situations for people, by identifying hazards and implementing action plans.
  • Action plans for emergencies that may compromise the safety of people are developed.
  • Measurable objectives and goals are established regarding those matters, as well as monitoring and analysis of their effectiveness.
  • We develop strategies to achieve the active participation of all hierarchical levels for the fulfillment of the objectives.
  • There is strict compliance and and enforcement of legal requirements identified and those established by the company itself in its operating procedures.

How do we make these commitments come true:

  • We meet periodically in bipartite areas where the concerns of the company and employees are raised, solutions to problems are identified and agreements are reached to optimize the environment and work processes,
  • Frequent medical examinations that include pre-occupational and occupational ones and health certificates are carried out.
  • We handle delivery of personal protective equipment and availability of the collective protective equipment necessary to carry out each of the tasks, as well as the necessary training for their correct use and maintenance.
  • Our collaborators are trained, internally and externally, on topics of interest.
  • We take into account health and security risks that acquisition of new equipment may arise, changes in existing processes and introduction of new products or technologies.
  • Action plans for security emergencies are developed and there are provided material and logistical resources to carry them out, such as first aid kits, anti-spill kits, fire extinguishers and forming of teams, among others.



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